#!/usr/bin/env perl # A basic, non-optimizing Re:direction interpreter. # Copyright (C) 2018 Alex Smith # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use utf8; use warnings; use strict; use feature 'unicode_strings'; use open IN => ":bytes", OUT => ":utf8", ":std"; use Text::Tabs; use Encode qw/decode/; use Getopt::Std; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; our $VERSION = 0.1; sub HELP_MESSAGE { print "-d\tPrint debug output"; print "-f\tPretty-print the packed and unpacked program to STDERR\n"; print "-p\tInterpret input as a packed program\n"; print "-A\tInput and output as character codes, not integers\n"; } our ($opt_f, $opt_p, $opt_d, $opt_A); getopts('fdpA'); undef $/; $| = 1; my $program = <>; <>; my $input = <> // ''; # Unpack the program. if ($opt_p) { # We're using the packed representation. my @charset = (" ", "♦", "◄", "▲", "►", "▼", "\n"); my $unpacked = ''; my $spaceweight = 3; for my $char (split //, $program) { my $code = ord $char; if ($code == 0 || $code >= 252) { # We use a special representation for long strings of # spaces. Code 0 is " " for consistency with the other # codes in the 0..251 range. However, codes 252 to 255 # represent strings of twice, three times, etc. as much. # To avoid redundancy when multiple whitespace is used in # a row, we use (little-endian) bijective base 5, i.e. # each successive whitespace character has 5 times the # width. my $value = ($code == 0 ? 1 : $code - 250); $unpacked .= ' ' x ($value * $spaceweight); $spaceweight *= 5; } else { # Three packed characters, which aren't all spaces. # Only the third can be a newline. use integer; $unpacked .= $charset[$code % 6]; $unpacked .= $charset[($code / 6) % 6]; $unpacked .= $charset[$code / 36]; $spaceweight = 3; } $program = $unpacked; } } else { $program = decode('UTF-8', $program, Encode::FB_CROAK); $program = expand($program); $program =~ y/\x04\x11\x1E\x10\x1F+<^>v/♦◄▲►▼♦◄▲►▼/; } # Now pack the program. my $unpacked = $program; my $packed = ''; my %charset = (" " => 0, "♦" => 1, "◄" => 2, "▲" => 3, "►" => 4, "▼" => 5, "\n" => 6); my @spaceset = (undef, chr 0, chr 252, chr 253, chr 254, chr 255); while (length $program && $program =~ s/^(\ {3,}|...|.?.?\n|.?.?\z)//) { my $section = $1; $section =~ s/(\n?)\z/ $1/ while length $section < 3; while ((length $section) % 3) { # It must be a whitespace section. Trim it down to a # multiple of 3. $program = " $program"; $section =~ s/\ \z// or die; } if ($section =~ /^ +\z/) { my $l = length($section) / 3; while ($l > 0) { my $c = $l % 5; $c or $c = 5; $packed .= $spaceset[$c]; $l -= $c; $l /= 5; } } else { $section =~ /^(.)(.)(.)$/s or die; my $char1 = $charset{$1} || 0; my $char2 = $charset{$2} || 0; my $char3 = $charset{$3} || 0; my $code = $char3 * 36 + $char2 * 6 + $char1; $packed .= chr $code; } } $program = $unpacked; $program =~ s/ +\n/\n/g; $program =~ s/[ \n]+\z//; my $ulength = length $program; my $plength = length $packed; if ($opt_f) { print STDERR "Program ($ulength characters):\n
\n\n"; print STDERR "Hexdump of packed representation ($plength bytes):\n
        unpack("H*", $packed), "\n
\n\n"; } my %dx = ("◄" => -1, "►" => 1); my %dy = ("▲" => -1, "▼" => 1); my $dir = "►"; my $x = -1; my $y = 0; my $lx = -1; my $ly = -1; my @queue = (); my @plines = split "\n", $program; my $width = 0; my $height = @plines; length > $width and $width = length for @plines; my @pmatrix = map [split //, $_], @plines; $width and $height or (print STDERR "Error: program has zero width or height\n"), exit 1; my @inlist = (); if ($opt_A) { @inlist = map ord, split //, $input; } else { push @inlist, $1 while $input =~ s/(\d+)//; } for my $inelem (@inlist) { push @queue, "►" for 1..$inelem; push @queue, "▼"; } while (1) { $x += $dx{$dir} || 0; $y += $dy{$dir} || 0; $x += $width; $x %= $width; $y += $height; $y %= $height; if ($opt_d) { local $" = ""; printf STDERR "(%6d,%6d) %s\n", $x, $y, "@queue"; } my $curcell = $pmatrix[$y][$x] || ' '; if ($dx{$curcell} || $dy{$curcell}) { if ($lx == $x && $ly == $y) { my $queuestr; { local $" = ""; $queuestr = "@queue"; } my @outlist = (); $queuestr =~ s/[^▼►]//g; push @outlist, length $1 while $queuestr =~ s/^(►*)▼//; print "@outlist\n" unless $opt_A; print map chr, @outlist if $opt_A; exit 0; } $lx = $x; $ly = $y; push @queue, $curcell; $dir = $curcell; } elsif ($curcell eq '♦') { @queue or (print STDERR "Error: Queue underflow!\n"), exit 1; $dir = shift @queue; $lx = -1; } }